DIY Cross Peen Hammer: How to Make Your Own Hammer at Home

Are you a blacksmith looking to level up your skills and add a personal touch to your toolkit? Why not try forging your very own cross peen hammer at home?

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of making a cross peen hammer from scratch.

With some practical tips, advice, and examples, you’ll be well on your way to creating a custom hammer that’s perfectly suited to your needs.

So, let’s jump right in and learn how to forge a DIY cross peen hammer!

Materials and Tools You’ll Need

Before we get started, gather the following materials and tools:

  • High-quality steel for the hammerhead (check out our guide on the best steels for making hammers)
  • Hammer handle material (wood, fiberglass, or steel)
  • Forge or furnace
  • Anvil
  • Tongs
  • Safety gear (gloves, safety glasses, and apron)
  • Drift or punch
  • Files or sandpaper
  • Rounding hammer or similar forging hammer
  • Wood rasp and sandpaper (for wooden handles)

Step 1: Preparing the Hammerhead

Start by selecting a suitable piece of steel for the hammerhead. You can use a piece of round or square stock, depending on your preference.

Cut the steel to the desired length and heat it in the forge or furnace until it reaches forging temperature (around 2000°F).

Step 2: Forging the Hammerhead

Using your rounding hammer or another forging hammer, forge the steel into the desired shape of the cross peen hammerhead.

Pay close attention to the peen and striking face, ensuring they are properly formed and aligned. This may take some time and effort, so be patient and keep refining the shape as needed.

Step 3: Drilling or Punching the Hammer Eye

Once the hammerhead is shaped, you’ll need to create the hammer eye, which is where the handle will be inserted. You can do this by either drilling a hole through the hammerhead or using a punch and drift to create the opening.

Make sure the hole is the correct size and shape for your handle material.

Step 4: Hardening and Tempering the Hammerhead

To ensure the durability and longevity of your cross peen hammer, you’ll need to harden and temper the hammerhead.

Heat the hammerhead in the forge until it reaches critical temperature, then quench it in oil or water.

After quenching, clean the hammerhead and temper it in an oven or by using a torch to heat the striking face and peen to a straw color.

Step 5: Preparing the Hammer Handle

Select the handle material of your choice and shape it to fit comfortably in your hand. If you’re using wood, use a wood rasp and sandpaper to create a comfortable grip and smooth finish.

For more information on customizing and maintaining hammer handles, check out our guide on custom hammer handles.

Step 6: Assembling the Hammer

Finally, insert the handle into the hammer eye and secure it in place using a wooden wedge or epoxy, depending on the handle material.

Ensure the handle is properly aligned with the hammerhead and that it’s firmly attached.

And there you have it—a custom cross peen hammer made entirely by you! With practice and patience, you can refine your skills and create a hammer that’s perfect for your blacksmithing needs.